
The Soldier

The Soldier is an unfinished short film made by Matthew Krouse, produced by Jeremy Nathan and with cinematography by Giulio Biccari. The Soldier was written by the three in 1988 and filmed in 1989. It was originally conceived to be made secretly in the Voortrekker Monument that, at that stage in history, was a revered state site of commemoration. The story was a response to an event that happened in an army barracks in which a soft porn pinup was placed on a soldier’s back in the course of a gang rape. The film was intended to be part of a grand historical film narrative that would unfold with multiple sex acts undermining supposed historical veracity. The film was taken out of South Africa to be processed in London since the big laboratory at home could not be trusted with the subject matter. The lab in London burnt down in an accident, and the film was lost except for celluloid and VHS copies of some rushes.

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Shot Down is a South African feature film directed by Andrew Worsdale and written by Worsdale with Matthew Krouse, Robert Colman, Giulio Biccari and Jeremy Nathan. It was shot in Johannesburg, Durban and Marikana, and completed in 1986. The plot concerns a character called Paul Gilliat, a two-bit South African movie maker who arrives back in the country in darkest days of apartheid. Here he gets recruited by the security police to hunt down a major black activist who heads a militant theatre group. For cover, Paul falls in with radical white political theatre satirists, and learns in the process how to love, as well as some moral lessons about life. The film stars, among others, the late James Philips who was the country’s Jim Morrison figure at the time. It was banned shortly after its completion under the draconian censorship laws of the time.

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De Voortrekkers

De Voortrekkers is a short film that uses as its prime reference a film by the same name made in South Africa in 1916. Its story tells of a journey by Afrikaans colonisers into the interior of South Africa. The later De Voortrekkers was written by Matthew Krouse with producer Jeremy Nathan and cinematographer Giulio Biccari in 1985, under the political state of emergency. The script was seized by the South African police in a house raid and the shooting of the film was delayed until the making of a feature film called Shot Down allowed the film to be funded and incorporated into that project. De Voortrekkers however got a life of its own and was banned in 1989. A widely publicised showing in the destricted, immediate post apartheid moment, in 1990, caused a public protest in which there was a standoff between the police and rightwing elements, injuring bystanders and participants.

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Famous Dead Man

Famous Dead Man is probably South Africa’s most notorious play. Staged in 1985 in Hillbrow at the legendary Black Sun venue, and in Durban at Howard College, it was banned in 1986 after causing a public furore because of its depiction of Hendrik Verwoerd, the architect of apartheid. The official appeal for the play took place in Pretoria under the watchful eyes of living members of the Verwoerd family. It was banned outright and became included in the plot of the banned feature film Shot Down in 1987.